TransParent Day 2022 discussion with Joanne Lockwood & Josephine Hughes
TransParent Day (#TransParentDay) takes place on the 1st Sunday in November each year.
TransParent Day celebrates trans parents who are loved and respected by their children, as well as trans children who’ve found unconditional love and support from their parents. Your closest family is supposed to be your support system, and it’s always warming to see families where trans members receive all the love and support they need and deserve.
TransParent Day was inaugurated in 2009 to highlight the challenges that trans parents and parents of trans children face on a daily basis. Transgender parenting is an under-explored area; even queer studies often lack specific focus on the T in LGBT, ignoring the fact that trans experiences are distinct from that of lesbian, gay and bisexual people, especially when a parent (or a child) is in the process of transitioning.
It is about pushing back on this cis-hetero-normativity associated with many events such as Birthdays, Christmas, Weddings, Mother’s and Father’s Day, Valentine’s etc. The greeting cards, the imagery, the language, and all of the advertising mostly ignore the queer community, let alone transgender and non-binary individuals.
Even in 2022, society still expects parents to come in two flavours – a man and a woman. We know that there are many more flavours than that with same-gender relationships. Trans people who are parents come in multiple flavours, including those that are not gendered at all. The lack of representation and inclusion by the media and the world at large is lacking.
It also has a challenge for cis people who are parents coming to terms with their child’s affirmed gender and having to overcome their own challenges around identity, language and the world at large.
In this video Joanne Lockwood speaks to Josephine Hughes – Joanne is a trans woman and parent of two cis children in their 30s, and Josephine a cis woman and parent to three children that were all assigned male at birth. Two of Josephine’s children have transitioned and are now fabulous trans women. If you have experienced your own challenges as a TransParent or parent of a trans child that is similar or different, then please do drop a comment below a👇👇👇and share your story…
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🌈 Joanne Lockwood is the founder and CEO of SEE Change Happen, a Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging Practice with a specialism in providing Transgender Awareness and support to organisations and businesses.
Her mantra is Smile, Engage and Educate and she passionately believes that “people are people” and, no matter who they are, deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.
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