

Hey Guys! – Why Language Matters

Categories: Keynotes and Talks Inclusive Culture Intercultural Communications

Tags: Inclusion, Culture, Language, Communication, Psychological Safety, Cultural Intelligence, Inclusive Culture

You will have seen and heard of many examples people have gotten themselves into difficulties due to poor choices or words or where actions are inappropriate. Often mistakes are made by well-intentioned leaders who are simply clumsy, but this is where we should realise that intent only goes so far.

It is impact where we need to focus our attention – how those words land. The reality is that despite the best intent, the impact was that some one was hurt, disrespected, or felt marginalised as a result.

Key Points:

  • How ones privilege often influences the language people use
  • Understanding how to be accountable for our impact regardless of good intent
  • Challenging stereotypes and their impact on marginalised individuals
  • Realise the knock-on effect of language in microaggressions and their compounding effect upon people
  • How to “step up” and “step in” as an ally and call out inappropriate behaviour and language

It is time to be accountable for our language, our impact, and to stop hiding behind our well-meaning intent. Be the one who makes a difference.

Following the presentation Joanne will be around for an open Q&A where you can challenge her with your thoughts or maybe event ask her for some ideas on how you can tackle your own challenges.


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SEE Change Happen: The Inclusive Culture Experts