

Understanding the Impact of Anti-Trans Rhetoric on Mental Health

Categories: Allyship Lunch and Learn LGBTQ+

Tags: Gender, Transgender, Inclusion, Gender Identity, LGBT, Mental Health, Allyship, LGBTQIA+, Gender Transition, Anti-Trans

The world is a pretty toxic place right now for trans people and it is having a significant impact on their well-being and mental health.

There is a rise in homelessness among young transgender people, especially young black, brown, or people of colour who are trans.

The trans communities are under attack from the mainstream media and their governments in a seemingly coordinated way right now, facing a constant slew of anti-trans rhetoric.

Much of the language used is designed to de-humanise, and reduce trans people, mainly trans women to tropes and stereotypes, and conflate trans people with predators, perverts, rapists, or cheats.  We are being labelled a threat to women and girls and no one is defending us.

It is unclear what the motivation behind this level of transphobia is. However, it seems to be aimed at specifically using trans people as a political football, to use us as a wedge issue in the political arena.

This is having a huge impact on mental health where we cannot thrive in our workplaces, families, and society.  We all want to live in a world where we have psychological safety, can bring our whole selves to work and society, and be “free to be me” without fear of bullying, discrimination, or victimisation.

When you feel constantly under a state of threat our brains live in stress and anxiety which not only affects us mentally but knocks on to our physical health.

As allies, you can step up and step in, call out the myths and misconceptions you hear.  Educate yourselves as to the challenges trans people are facing and help amplify our struggles.  You can also educate others when you have the opportunity too.

Stand up against transphobia and help trans people just get on with their lives, like everyone else.


Following the presentation, Joanne will be around for an open Q&A where you can challenge her with your thoughts or maybe even ask her for some ideas on how you can tackle your own challenges.



  • Understanding the climate of anti-trans rhetoric in society.
  • Become aware of the impact on mental health for trans people and how this limits their ability to thrive.
  • Recognise the barriers trans people face in society, among their friends, in their workplace, within their family and in their own minds.
  • Learn how to step up and become allies and counteract transphobia.


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